
補充資料: (私人課) 為你提供一個更樂觀的態度 1972年2月21日



Now—you see how softly I can speak.



Again, let me start off in my own fashion.


You, personally, have been gravely perturbed because of your job for some time. You tried to shove the discontent aside, hoping that you could continue it to practical beneficial ends. You were to some extent outraging a portion of your being, for whatever reasons.


The basic discontent colored your other attitudes, both toward your environment, your own work, and other people. (Very good.)


It became—relatively now—a displaced discontent. You felt that there was nothing you could do about the situation, that there was no reason to worry about it, but the anxiety was displaced then, draining your energies.


Now, we are speaking comparatively here now, you understand.


When you begin devoting your time to your painting you will be satisfying then a deep need of your being, and therefore energized. You will feel personally that you are solving problems that you are meant to solve, problems that are nevertheless created challenges having to do with the nature of painting, problems then and challenges that you consider quite worthwhile.


This will give you a much more optimistic attitude in general. Personalities are as diverse and unique as flowers or fish. There is no need to compare one type of personality with another than there is to compare a toad to a bird, or an ant to an elephant.


It does help however if you understand that birds must fly if you are a bird. It does help for example if elephants do not try to build anthills. So there is no need to compare personalities in a judging way, merely to know your own.


Ruburt’s energies will be released in the same way. I am sure that you appreciated the encounter that took place the other evening, under my auspices. (On February 19.) What was said should show you that Ruburt’s condition also became the focus of your combined discontents, the physical picture of it. The energy to maintain it, almost (underlined) in direct proportion to your combined discontents, was composed of the displaced energy not put into your prime purposes. This is difficult to verbalize precisely—


—built up by unsolved problems. A concentration upon your individual and combined work, your practical plans in that direction, will promote an enthusiasm that you have not felt jointly or individually in years. You will know that you are on the right track.


The symptoms therefore will be released as that energy or concentration is placed back where it belongs, into creative and practical action. You felt as if you could not move also, and before Ruburt’s symptoms began. You felt this psychologically; do you follow me?



Your discussion this evening was beneficial and showed a point in progress on both of your parts. Earlier Ruburt would have become alarmed and frightened, felt you were being negative, and discouraged at any verbal and emotional encounter with the feelings that you expressed, precisely because they brought into the open feelings of his. This time however he recognized that earlier he would have brooded and gone to bed, leaving you to brood alone at his ways.


The ordinary fears connected with any such discussion should be discussed. Only in this way are they faced, encountered and cast aside. They do not grow then in secrecy, and gather charges.


Do you want a rest?

(10:04. “No, I’m okay for the moment.”)

The change of environment has been and is good for both of you in ways you may not presently comprehend. A few you glimpse. It is obviously good for you to look at the world simply from a different viewpoint. It is particularly good that you see the situation here in Florida, on the spot, so that you feel free in making choices—a real Florida, not a fantasized one.


Your journey will also allow you to perceive your Elmira (New York) environment when you return in a fresher light, and your circumstances there.


A point, if you do not want a break now: Concentration must not be on Ruburt’s symptoms. Underline many times.

還有一句話,如果你現在不想休息的話: 注意力一定不能集中在魯柏的症狀上。 多次下劃線。

A point now that I want you to heed in advance: In the past, because of joint negative attitudes, I have given the reasons for some of these. Improvements in Ruburt’s condition were ignored (underlined) largely by both of you, and instead concentration was upon the symptoms that still remained.


After the first bad bouts for example, when he improved enough to go up and down stairs without even limping, when he was agile enough at least to climb some rocks at the Glen (Enfield, near Ithaca, NY), to swim after being largely incapacitated, you both acted as if the improvements meant nothing, discounted them largely, and concentrated upon those symptoms that did indeed still remain.

比如說,在第一次嚴重發作之後,當他的病情有所好轉,甚至可以一瘸一拐地上下樓梯時,當他至少可以敏捷地爬上 Glen(紐約州伊薩卡附近的恩菲爾德)的一些巖石時,當他在基本喪失能力之後可以遊泳時,你們卻都表現得好像這些好轉毫無意義,而大大地忽視它們,而把注意力集中在那些確實仍然存在的症狀上。

I am not saying that he was completely better then, but the improvements far outweighed the symptoms at that time. Do not let that happen again. That was the result of discounting improvements as they did show themselves, and this applies to both of you.


Now I will give you a break, and continue.

Now—tell him what I said later.


You chose to do what you did, individually and jointly. In narrow terms you can say that you both made a mistake. In larger terms no error was made. You simply happen to be dealing with the area of activity in which terms like “mistake” appears valid. Do you follow me?

你們選擇了自己的行為,無論是單獨還是共同。從狹義上講,你們倆都犯了一個錯誤。從大的方面說,沒有犯錯。你們只是碰巧涉及到了 “錯誤 “這樣的用語可以成立的活動領域。你明白我的意思嗎?


Practically speaking, while you had any kind of a job you were ill at ease and off balance. You compared your lot with that of others who had jobs also. There was only a difference in degree.


Your own attitude was partially set by your father’s innate and quite strong sense of independence. He hated to work for anyone else. The same applies to Ruburt’s background, mainly with his grandfather. You would have felt freer had you tried to freelance; for freelancing, while it would have produced long range its own problems would have allowed you a greater sense of freedom.


Here you were influenced, where Ruburt was not, toward a job because of ideas of security that came from your mother, and, despite your conscious evaluations, from the activities of your brothers. Your having a job made sense to you therefore for these reasons, more so than it did to Ruburt, who had no such countering influences. Now give me a moment.


The entire environment concerning your brothers’ homes, and the implications, always upset Ruburt, for he sensed that influence.


I want you to anticipate then that uprush of energy you will most certainly feel. The problems that beset you were so aggravating precisely because in a sense they were not your natural set of problems. You always have the energy and the means to meet the deepest needs of your own personality, but not to meet the needs of other kinds of personalities.


(Very good.)





















