朋友在困難之中,建議他不要一再給自己壓力,多給自己更多空間與自由,不要把精力集中在想解決問題上,一天都不要,去做讓自己能滿足的事,尋找成就,而非失落處,否則過去會是灰燼,當然未來也一樣。 附上第657節課程(刪除的部分)
博客來-個人實相的本質 | 博客來-死過一次才學會愛 (電子書) | 博客來-夢、進化與價值完成(卷一) |博客來-夢、進化與價值完成(卷二) | 博客來-當下的力量系列套書 | 賽斯相關書籍
1. Do the five minutes as suggested.
2. As far as possible, without pressing the point, make an effort to do what he would do if he were physically satisfactory. That is, write normal hours without taking time out as today, unless he is hit by inspiration to do so.
3. In one way or another, once a day have him do something to act upon the new beliefs. He need not take a walk every day for example, but on faith perform some kind of physical activity that he would if he were physically satisfactory. Take his coffee to the yard, for example. His idea of seeking out motion is a good one. No day should be spent concentrating on ways to get rid of the symptoms, as today.
4. As mentioned, go out together to public places, and begin acting in that regard.
5. Your suggestion of out-of-body activity is a good one, and diverts energy to a good goal.
These suggestions can effectively take the place of Psycho-Cybernetics, but only if they are followed.